KOH in electrolyzers

Process monitoring with LiquiSonic®

The LiquiSonic® sensor in the concentration determination of potassium hydroxide solution

Measurement accuracy:
± 0,05 %

Measurement range: 0 - max %

Temperature measuring
range: 0 - 120 °C

High durability

Optimization of efficiency

The concentration of caustic potash is a critical process parameter that influences the efficiency of alkaline electrolysis. This makes process monitoring particularly important in order to convert the current as efficiently as possible.

Our system is delivered as plug & play, so that an easy and fast commissioning is guaranteed. Compared to other measuring systems, it provides a clear signal at any time in the concentration range from 0 up to saturation concentration.

Due to the permanent data logging of our long-life LiquiSonic® sensors, time-consuming laboratory evaluations can be avoided and accuracies of ± 0.05 % can be achieved, thus guaranteeing optimal process conditions at all times.

Installation according to your wishes

Our LiquiSonic® immersion sensor is the perfect solution for precise measurement of potassium hydroxide in pipe systems. Thanks to our Plug & Play system, the sensor can be installed directly into your existing system without any complex conversion measures.

The LiquiSonic® Controller 30 allows the connection of up to four sensors, which enables a permanent monitoring of the potash lye in several electrolysers with only one controller. Thus, changes can be reacted to quickly.

Our LiquiSonic® immersion sensor reliably measures the concentration range of 20 to 40 %, which is classical for alkaline electrolysis, and the common process temperatures of 50 to 85 °C. In addition, temperatures up to 120 °C are no challenge for our measuring system.

Revolutionary interference reduction for gas bubbles

In critical applications such as electrolysis, the presence of gas bubbles can challenge conventional measurement systems. Even tiny gas bubbles in the potassium hydroxide solution can lead to distortions in the sonic signal, which without proper reduction would lead to erroneous measurement results. Such errors often go unrecognised, which affects the reliability of the data.

SensoTech has therefore optimised the sensor design specifically for the challenges posed by gas bubbles. Our technology goes one step further and integrates sophisticated signal processing based on state-of-the-art AI methods. This innovation makes it possible to effectively compensate for interference from gas bubbles, which could otherwise significantly affect the measurement result. The result is a signal refined by advanced algorithms that provides the user with precise and reliable information about the KOH concentration.

We solve your measurement task

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